chilabothrus striatus Anzeigen Standard [Seite 2]

Schlangen kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Houten show - Future Terra + I Love Snakes table nr ED7, room 2 +2
Verkaufe Schlangen

Houten show - Future Terra + I Love Snakes table nr ED7, room 2

Come to our stand at Houten, and admire the highest quality of plastic enclosures available worldwide, together with unusuall snake beauties from I Love Snakes.
Table ED7 room nr 2.

I Love Snakes:
1.0 Epicrates alvarezi CB12/2019
2.2 Elaphe carinata 100% het T+, 50% poss het hypo
1.1 Elaphe carinata 66% poss het hypo
0.0.2 Chilabothrus inornatus CB2020 - feeding on defrosted!
0.1 Philodryas baroni from blue x green breeding
1.1 81.25%SD reticulated python (normal female + platinum male)

Future Terra:
Special offer for the customers that place the order during the show = -10% of total price for terrariums!

We will also have two terrariums available right away, with a large discount:
Modern Grey colour: 100x70x90cm
- dual hinged, tempered glass front with key locks
- hotspot heating solution
- two 25mm polypropylene branches
- fully heat welded construction

Crystal White colour: 90x60x90cm
- dual hinged, tempered glass front
- fully heat welded construction

Boas kaufen und verkaufen Foto: Puerto Rico Boas ENZ 2020 abzugeben +1
Verkaufe Boas

Puerto Rico Boas ENZ 2020 abzugeben

Eigene Nachzuchten der Puerto Rico Boa (Chilabothrus (Epicrates) inornatus) abzugeben.
Es handelt sich dabei um gut fressende Jungtiere, die im September 2020 geboren wurden. Die Bilder zeigen ein Jungtier und eines der Elterntiere. Weitere Informationen und Bilder gerne per Email.